total: $0.00

All Washington MCLE Accredited Courses

Washington Attorneys: Earn ALL (45) of Your MCLE Credits With These Online Courses. LLLTs and LPOs May Also earn MCLE Credits with These Activities.

Need to earn CLE/MCLE Credit for MULTIPLE STATES? Click here before placing your order for special instructions for many states.

Legal Ethics

Legal Ethics With Antibias Content


Employment/Labor Law

Estate Planning & Taxation


Attention All Washington



  • Effective September 1, 2022, of the required 6 Ethics Credits, 1 must be an ethics course with antibias content. Please click here for this new Rule. These available courses are listed under “Ethics With Antibias Content” in the column to the immediate left.
  • Washington attorneys must earn 45 MCLE Credits every 3 years, including at least 6 ETHICS (including 1 in Antibias) and at least 15 LAW & LEGAL PROCEDURE credits. You may carry over up to 15 excess credits, including 2 ETHICS credits, to the next reporting period.
  • Washington allows you to earn ALL (45) of your MCLE Credits by Self-Study of WA-approved Online courses, including the required minimums of 6 ETHICS and 15 LAW & LEGAL PROCEDURE credits. There is no longer a live credit requirement.
  • Effective August 2018: The Washington State Bar MCLE Board clarified that MCLE activities are to be accredited the same for LLLTs, LPOs, and Lawyers. All license types may receive credit for these National Law Foundation activities (courses) accredited under the Washington Supreme Court Admission and Practice Rule 11.
  • You may earn ALL of your WA MCLE credits with approved National Law Foundation courses in the following subject areas:
  • Ethics (ETH- the required minimum 6 credits)

  • Law and Legal Procedure (L&LP - the required minimum 15 credits)

  • Professional Development (Other- up to 24 credits)

  • Personal Development and Mental Health (Other - up to 24 credits)

  • Office Management (Other - up to 24 credits)

  • Improving the Legal System (Other - up to 24 credits)

  • Self-Study of NLFOnline.com courses will obtain these Washington MCLE Credits for you. National Law Foundation is an approved Washington MCLE sponsor.
  • A Certificate of Completion is provided when you submit the Course Evaluation after listening to each Online program. Self-report your participation in NLFOnline courses on your myWSBA.org MCLE Roster Page.



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Live support is available Monday-Friday, 9-4 Eastern Time. Our FAQs may address your question.
Call (302) 656-4757

Offline Study Alternative

Many states also permit CLE credits to be earned by study of email delivery, audio CD, and flash drive courses. For these offline study options and to Share and Save go to www.NLFcle.com.

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