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Earn CLE/MCLE Credit Online Anytime

Start by selecting your state below.

Inexpensive • Easy • Convenient

Some new Courses Include:

• Artificial Intelligence (AI) In The Practice Of Law

• Civility In The Legal Profession

• Cybersecurity: Ethical Responsibilities

• Cybersecurity: What Attorneys Need To Know

• Estate Planning: Addressing And Fixing Mistakes

Arizona Attorneys

Earn ALL (15) of your MCLE credits online

California Attorneys

Earn ALL (25) of your MCLE credits online

Colorado Attorneys

Earn ALL (45) of your CLE credits online

Connecticut Attorneys

Earn ALL (12) of your MCLE credits online

Delaware Attorneys

Earn HALF (12) of your CLE credits online

Florida Attorneys

Earn (28) of your CLE credits online

Georgia Attorneys

Earn ALL (12) of Your CLE Credits With Distance Learning Courses

Indiana Attorneys

Earn ALL (36) CLE credits with Distance Education courses

Kentucky Attorneys

Earn ALL (12) of your CLE Credits online

Nevada Attorneys

Earn ALL (13) of your CLE credits online

New Jersey Attorneys

Earn (12) of your CLE credits online
*rule 201:8 with reciprocity details

New Mexico Attorneys

Earn ALL (12) of your MCLE credits online

New York Attorneys

Earn ALL (24) of your CLE credits online

North Carolina Attorneys

Earn ALL (12) of your CLE Credits with these interactive online courses

Ohio Attorneys

Earn ALL (24) of your CLE credits online

Pennsylvania Attorneys

Earn SIX (6) of your CLE credits by distance learning

Tennessee Attorneys

Earn ALL (15) CLE Credits by distance learning

Texas Attorneys

Earn ALL (15) of Your MCLE Credits online

Vermont Attorneys

Earn SIX (6) of your MCLE credits online

Virginia Attorneys

Earn EIGHT (8) of your MCLE Credits online

Washington Attorneys

Earn ALL (45) of your CLE credits online

West Virginia Attorneys

Earn TWELVE (12) of your MCLE credits online

Transaction Processing

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demonstration course.


Offline Study Alternative

Many states also permit CLE credits to be earned by study of email delivery, audio CD, and flash drive courses. For these offline study options and to Share and Save go to www.NLFcle.com.